box method

void box(
  1. String caller

Console present Map and List aso. data in screen-matrix.


void box(String caller) {
  buf.writeln(':ch:buf:  box called for chore:  $name ');
  int bufLength = buf.length;
  int choreBufLength = choreBuf.length;

  ///  Give shapes for screen matrix.
  ///  :BOX:WAS:  190
  boxServe.init(42, 198, '_'); //  rows, width or: 0 = use default 47, 195
  boxServe.construct(':chr:box: ', ':chr:box:'); //  :BUG: C: $caller');
  ///  Place String-header in wanted place.
  boxServe.aHeader(1, 5, 'Name: $name');

  boxServe.aHeader(2, 5, 'Master: $master');

  boxServe.aHeader(4, 5, '* chore$name  buf  *');
  //  boxServe.aBox(4, 5, 39, 33, tl.bufToList(buf));
  //  devl:MIS  We have 2 buffers!!
  //  boxServe.aBox(4, 5, 39, 33, buf.toString().split('\n'));
  boxServe.aBox(5, 5, 39, 33, buf.toString().split('\n'));

  boxServe.aHeader(1, 80, 'Info: $info');
  boxServe.aHeader(2, 80, 'Motto: $motto');

  boxServe.aHeader(1, 45, 'bufLength:  $bufLength  ');
  boxServe.aHeader(2, 45, 'chrBufL:  $choreBufLength  ');
  boxServe.aHeader(2, 60, 'count:  $_flowServeCount ');

  boxServe.aHeader(4, 45, '* States * ');
  boxServe.aBox(5, 45, 6, 16, tl.mapToListB(st));

  boxServe.aHeader(4, 61, '*  Extra * ');
  boxServe.aBox(5, 61, 6, 16, tl.mapToListI(extra));

  boxServe.aHeader(10, 44, ' CHORE placard');
  boxServe.aBox(11, 44, 6, 14, tl.mapToFineList(placardM, 2, 12));

  boxServe.aHeader(10, 66, ' * Master    $master     say * ');
  //  Get Map-say from master:  missionL[$master].say
  //  howTo NULL Map   say    add !
      11, 62, 9, 52, tl.mapToFineList(missionM[master]!.say, 6, 46));

  //  boxServe.aHeader(20, 44, '* Chore Operations *');
  boxServe.aBox(20, 45, 22, 53, tl.mapToFineList(operations, 13, 40));

  boxServe.aHeader(4, 83, ' * Agenda: con Msg: :bind: * ');
  boxServe.aBox(5, 83, 6, 27, tl.mapToFineList(agenda, 5, 20));

      4, 124, ' :flux:  Outer Dawo actions and answers in roll-mill-loop ');
  boxServe.aBox(5, 119, 22, 70, tl.mapToFineList(action, 10, 60));

  boxServe.vertLine(32, 107, 7); //  plans aso.
  boxServe.aHeader(32, 111, ' *  Chore  Plans:  roadMap   *  ');
  boxServe.aBox(33, 107, 6, 39, tl.mapToFineList(plan, 12, 27));

  boxServe.vertLine(32, 150, 7); //   phase
  boxServe.aHeader(32, 154, '  *     Chore     Phases   *     ');
  boxServe.aBox(33, 150, 6, 40, tl.mapToFineList(phase, 18, 20));

  ///  Present it on screen and save to glb-buffer.':box:Chr:', 'print', 0);

  ///  Set boxServe ready for next user: clear data.