box method
Using boxServe-class for everybody-to use box-shaped info.
void box(String caller) {
buf.writeln('con:box:start: ');
// use: boxServe OR create own class here
final int _sw = 194; // default screen width, changed later =>
_sw; // To mark unUsed
final int _rc = 47; // row count
// ??? Keep matrix here on callers side all the time
// The default List constructor is not available, when NULL safety is enabled
// howTo NULL List OK: .filled
List<String> _conMatrix = List.filled(_rc, '');
_conMatrix; // Mark #unUsed
String boxHeader = ':connector:box:';
print('-->>-->> $boxHeader boxServe start -->>-->>-- ');
List<String> infoL = [
'Connector joins other object to spheres, like corporate, where they can work together and join messaging.',
'Every :con:Scout:ed object comes with a #LANG info like: #say and placardM, and has access to :bind:bing:',
// devl:CORP if change to: 150, it should be visible variable
///:BOX:WAS: 190, now 205
boxServe.init(42, 198, '_'); // rows, width or: 0 = use default 47, 195
boxServe.construct(':con:box:', ':con:box: $caller');
int r1 = 2; // easy x-y pointing
int r2 = 12;
int r3 = 20;
int r4 = 32;
int m1 = 3;
int m2 = 40;
int m3 = 74;
int m4 = 100;
boxServe.aBox(r1 - 1, m2, 2, 106, infoL);
boxServe.aHeader(3, m2, '*clause :');
boxServe.aBox(3, m2 + 10, 1, 55, ['$clause']);
boxServe.aHeader(4, m2, '*motto :');
boxServe.aBox(4, m2 + 10, 1, 55, ['$motto']);
boxServe.aHeader(r1, m1 + 6, '* connector buf *');
boxServe.aBox(r1 + 1, m1, 39, 33, tl.bufToList(buf));
boxServe.aHeader(6, m2, '* :con:phases: *');
boxServe.aBox(7, m2 - 1, 5, 63, tl.mapToFineList(phaseM, 5, 57));
boxServe.aBox(4, 125, 12, 20, tl.mapToFineList(equ.months, 3, 17));
boxServe.aBox(4, 105, 13, 22, tl.mapToFineList(equ.twoWeeks, 4, 14));
//boxServe.aHeader(r2, m4 + 4, ' * conjoinM * ');
// NoWork!?? Try absolute boxServe.aHeader(r3 - 6, m2, ' * conjoinM * ');
// Try absolute address::
boxServe.aHeader(13, 44, ' * conJoinMember * ');
//boxServe.aBox(r2 + 1, m4 + 1, 6, 21, tl.mapToListO(joinM));
boxServe.aBox(r3 - 6, m2, 12, 50, tl.mapToListO(joinM));
// boxServe.aBox(r3 - 7, m2, 12, 50, joinLog);
boxServe.aBox(2, 150, 18, 38, joinLog);
boxServe.aBox(r3 - 3, m4 - 5, 12, 50, inMsgL);
// devl:CORP resource / samples add something
boxServe.aHeader(30, 100, '*: con:say Map *');
boxServe.aBox(31, 100, 9, 42, tl.mapToFineList(say, 8, 34));
/// devl:CORP Get from joinM Just-joined-say map
/// Now using new #name field and parameter via con.join
// if (name notIn joinM) blaa blaa blaa
// howTo NULL Map OK
Map<String, String> sayLatest = joinM['DartlangMission']!.say;
// Error:bug: every object to not have say-map
// Map<String, String> sayLatest = joinM[name].say;
// devl:CORP use map joinM directly without copying it here
boxServe.aHeader(30, 144, '*: Now: $name :say *');
boxServe.aBox(31, 142, 9, 42, tl.mapToFineList(sayLatest, 8, 34));
boxServe.aHeader(r4 - 1, m2 - 5, ' * workPole * ');
boxServe.aBox(r4, m2, 6, 23, tl.mapToList(workPoleM));
boxServe.aHeader(r4 - 1, m3, ' * answerPole * ');
boxServe.aBox(r4, m3, 6, 18, tl.mapToList(answerPoleM));
boxServe.vertLine(r2 + 1, m2, 7); // joinMember
boxServe.vertLine(4, m4 + 6, 13); // 2-weeks
boxServe.vertLine(r4, m2, 6); // workPole
boxServe.vertLine(2, 149, 28); // Up-right edge':con:', 'print', 1);