beta library

Modeling joint, reusable controls and operations for libraries.

dawo/beta, dawo version: 0.0.7. 18.12.2017 devState 40 % in GIT Yes

Time to start thinking floor's machinery, when you are only just laying basic foundations for your 20-floor factory.

All dawo code-constructing should depend on code, that is here, and all thinking about dawo should concentrate on collecting reusable code here.

idea: some basic / flow functionality, that is too small for packages, and too big for tools.dart or dawo_app.dart. Connections to packages, that we do not want to import fully. (?) Extra control / flow / actor variables for processes/events/jobs

Hist: hkl 9.10.2013 0.0.1 dawo/lib daw lib_base.dart > beta.dart Returned 10.9.2017 to same idea with empty hands. Open for all ideas, when seeking joint functionality between app / lib / classes / process aso. NOTE: Problem: #actor / glbActor; how to handle in sub-processes RULE: #actor every #actor deletes it's own name when op-done, and --- returns previous actor, if it,s operation is not done. #Glorious. devNote: No notes.


Chores are biggest users of this. NOTE: also Store-class. Stock handles and shares joint resources with participants. Resources are: people, places, jobs aso.


betaBuf StringBuffer
buffer also outside class, for testing and adding visibility
getter/setter pair
betaMotto String
Some betaX variables that are outside classes.
getter/setter pair
betaPlacardM Map<String, String>
.. or is it class BetaPlacard ? Placard: Uniform information, that is in hand for every operation. Model for #id-data in joint handshake method. Usage: dawo_app uses this in :roll:con:opJoin
getter/setter pair
betaReadiness num
flowI int
getter/setter pair
printGlobalB bool
setting flow-print now to zero.
getter/setter pair


betaAssign() → void
test: for testing, assign-functions are for sharing stuff.
betaClause(dynamic placard) String
Form a String that describes operation-sender-activity-time for log-entry.
flowFind(String caller, String _fs, int len) → void
Find String in out-buffers;
flowServe(String actor, StringBuffer buf, String msg, bool pr) → void
    • This is main f-Print, that handles all flowC call from every library. Do not look out unprofessionally and spam your code with print-clauses! Instead use: flow !! DONE: To avoid messing with buffer and actor HOORAY: used local flowC(). ALL local flowC() calls this flowServe()
  • getOperationInfoOnParameters() → void
    IDEA: flow command through function, that records it's info for op-system Name for this heart of big-clocking-system ?
    ifPrint(Object obj, bool _b) → void
    renderBeta(String caller) StringBuffer
    Usual presentation / play function.
    sPrint(String msg) → void