sort method

void sort(
  1. List<DaviSort> newSortList

Defines the columns that will be used in sorting.

If multi sorting is disabled, only the first one in the list will be used. Not sortable columns will be ignored.


void sort(List<DaviSort> newSortList) {
  if (const ListEquality().equals(sortList, newSortList)) {
    // same sort

  HashSet<dynamic> uniqueColumnIds = HashSet<dynamic>();
  int priority = 1;
  for (DaviSort sort in newSortList) {
    if (!uniqueColumnIds.add(sort.columnId)) {
      throw ArgumentError(
          'List has multiple configurations with the same columnId.');
    DaviColumn<DATA>? column = getColumn(sort.columnId);
    if (column != null && column.sortable) {
      column.setSort(sort, priority++);
      if (!multiSortEnabled) {
        // only the first one
  _updateRows(notify: true);