format method

String format([
  1. String format = DateTimeFormats.iso8601

Formats this according to the notation format.

format accepts the following standard notations:

d : Day of month (01 - 31)

j : Day of month, without leading 0s (1 - 31)

D : An abbreviated textual representation of a day (Mon - Sun)

l : A textual representation of a day (Monday - Sunday)

S : Suffix of a day (st, th, nd)

z : The day of the year (starting from 0)

F : A textual representation of a month (January - December)

M : An abbreviated textual representation of a month (Jan - Dec)

m : Numeric representation of a month (01 - 12)

n : Numeric representation of a month, without leading 0s (1 - 12)

Y : Full numeric representation of a year (e.g. 2019)

y : A two digit representation of a year (e.g. 19)

a : Ante meridiem and post meridiem, lowercase (am or pm)

A : Ante meridiem and post meridiem, uppercase (AM or PM)

g : 12-hour format of an hour, without leading 0s (1 - 12)

h : 12-hour format of an hour (01 - 12)

G : 24-hour format of an hour, without leading 0s (0 - 23)

H : 24-hour format of an hour (00 - 23)

i : Minutes (0 - 59)

s : Seconds (0 - 59)

v : Milliseconds (0 - 999)

u : Microseconds (0 - 999)

e : System time zone identifier (Returns DateTime.timeZoneName, which is provided by the operating system and may be a name or abbreviation.)

O : Difference to Greenwich Time (GMT) in hours (±0000)

P : Difference to Greenwich Time (GMT) in hours with a colon (±00:00)

T : Time zone abbreviation (Identifies the time zone from DateTime.timeZoneName.)

c : ISO 8601 date (e.g. 2019-10-15T19:42:05-08:00)

r : RFC 2822 date (Tue, 15 Oct 2019 17:42:05 -0800)

U : Seconds since Unix Epoch

\ : Escape character

See: DateTimeFormats for common formatting notations.


String format([String format = DateTimeFormats.iso8601]) =>
    DateTimeFormat.format(this, format: format);