LogService class

DataHubs logging solution.

This service is automatically added to any ServiceHost to provide logging functionality to other modules of the DataHub framework.

The configuration value datahub.log defines the initial log level. See enum values in LogLevel.

Messages can be logged by resolving the LogService and calling its logging methods.

  final log = resolve<LogService>();
  log.w('This is a warning!');

The default LogService uses a ConsoleLogBackend to write messages to stdout. If a different LogBackend implementation is required, simply pass it into ServiceHost constructor.

  final host = ServiceHost([
  ], logBackend: CustomLogBackendImpl());


LogService(LogBackend _backend, void _criticalCallback())


configPath ConfigPath?
environment Environment
Fetch the environment configuration from ConfigService.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


c(String message, {String? sender, dynamic error, StackTrace? trace, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
config<T>(String path) → T
Fetches a configuration value from ConfigService.
configObject<T extends TransferObjectBase>(String path, TransferBean<T> bean) → T
Fetches a configuration value from ConfigService and parse it into the TransferObject.
critical(String message, {String? sender, dynamic error, StackTrace? trace, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
d(String message, {String? sender, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
debug(String message, {String? sender, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
e(String message, {String? sender, dynamic error, StackTrace? trace, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
error(String message, {String? sender, dynamic error, StackTrace? trace, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
i(String message, {String? sender, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
info(String message, {String? sender, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
initialize() Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setLogLevel(LogLevel level) → void
shutdown() Future<void>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
v(String message, {String? sender, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
verbose(String message, {String? sender, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
w(String message, {String? sender, dynamic error, StackTrace? trace, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void
warn(String message, {String? sender, dynamic error, StackTrace? trace, Map<String, dynamic> meta = const {}}) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

currentPathInfo() Map<String, dynamic>