core/core library
Extremely fast, easy to use, and fully async NoSQL database for Flutter.
- AndGroup
- Logical AND.
- BetweenCondition
- Filter matching values between the bounds.
- Collection
- Annotation to create an DatabaseUniverse collection.
- CompactCondition
- DatabaseUniverse databases can contain unused space that will be reused for later operations. You can specify conditions to trigger manual compaction where the entire database is copied and unused space freed.
- ContainsCondition
- Filter matching String values containing the String.
- DatabaseUniverse
- An DatabaseUniverse database instance.
ID, OBJ> -
instances to find, query, and create new objects of a given type in DatabaseUniverse. - DatabaseUniverseIndexSchema
- The schema of an index in DatabaseUniverse.
- DatabaseUniversePropertySchema
- The schema of a property in DatabaseUniverse.
T> - Querying is how you find records that match certain conditions.
- DatabaseUniverseSchema
- The schema of a collection in DatabaseUniverse.
- DistinctProperty
- Property used to filter duplicate values.
- Embedded
- Annotation to nest objects of this type in collections.
- EndsWithCondition
- Filter matching String values ending with the suffix.
- EnumValue
- Annotation to specify how an enum property should be serialized.
- EqualCondition
- Filter checking for equality.
- GreaterCondition
- Filter matching values greater than the bound.
- GreaterOrEqualCondition
- Filter matching values greater than of equal to the bound.
- Index
- Annotate properties to build an index.
- IsNullCondition
Filter matching values that are
. - LessCondition
- Filter matching values smaller than the bound.
- LessOrEqualCondition
- Filter matching values smaller than or equal to the bound.
- MatchesCondition
- Filter matching String values matching the wildcard.
- Name
- Annotate DatabaseUniverse collections or properties to change their name.
- NotGroup
- Logical NOT.
- ObjectFilter
- Filter condition based on an embedded object.
- OrGroup
- Logical OR.
OBJ, R, S> - Query builders are used to create queries in a safe way.
- SortProperty
- Property used to sort query results.
- StartsWithCondition
- Filter matching String values starting with the prefix.
- DatabaseUniverseEngine
- The DatabaseUniverse storage engine.
- DatabaseUniverseType
- Supported DatabaseUniverse property types.
- Sort
- Sort order
on DatabaseUniverseCollection<
ID, OBJ> - Asychronous extensions for DatabaseUniverseCollection.
on DatabaseUniverseQuery<
T> - Asynchronous operations for queries.
on DatabaseUniverseQuery<
T> - Aggregation operations for date queries.
on QueryBuilder<
OBJ, R, QOperations> - Operations for query builders.
on QueryBuilder<
OBJ, DateTime?, QAfterProperty> - Aggregation operations for date query builders.
on QueryBuilder<
OBJ, T?, QAfterProperty> - Aggregation operations for number query builders.
on QueryBuilder<
OBJ, String?, QAfterProperty> - Aggregation operations for string query builders.
on QueryBuilder<
OBJ, R, QFilterOperator> - Logical operators for query builders.
on QueryBuilder<
OBJ, R, QFilterCondition> - Filter groups, logical not, anyOf, and allOf modifiers for query builders.
on QueryBuilder<
OBJ, OBJ, S> - Optional query modifier.
on DatabaseUniverseQuery<
T?> - Aggregation operations for number queries.
on DatabaseUniverseQuery<
T?> - Aggregation operations for string queries.
- collection → const Collection
- Annotation to create an DatabaseUniverse collection.
- embedded → const Embedded
- Annotation to nest objects of this type in collections.
- enumValue → const EnumValue
- Annotation to specify how an enum property should be serialized.
- id → const Id
- Annotate the property or accessor in an DatabaseUniverse collection that should be used as the primary key.
- ignore → const Ignore
- Annotate a property or accessor in an DatabaseUniverse collection to ignore it.
- index → const Index
- Annotate properties to build an index.
- utc → const Utc
By default DatabaseUniverse returns DateTime values in the local timezone. If you want
to receive UTC DateTime values instead, annotate the property or accessor
Exceptions / Errors
- DatabaseError
- Unknown error returned by the database engine.
- DatabaseFullError
- The database is full.
- DatabaseUniverseError
- Superclass of all DatabaseUniverse errors.
- DatabaseUniverseNotReadyError
- DatabaseUniverse has not been initialized correctly.
- EncryptionError
- Something went wrong during encryption/decryption. Most likely the encryption key is wrong.
- InstanceMismatchError
- Invalid DatabaseUniverse instance.
- ObjectLimitReachedError
- The object is too large to be stored in DatabaseUniverse.
- PathError
- Invalid or protected path error.
- VersionError
- Database file is incompatible with this version of DatabaseUniverse.
- WriteTxnRequiredError
- An active write transaction is required for this operation.