Database Universe

Database Universe Library for help you save any data in anywhere with high performance speed, easy feature and ready for scala business


📚ī¸ Docs

  1. Documentation
  2. Youtube
  3. Telegram Support Group
  4. Contact Developer (check social media or readme profile github)

🔖ī¸ Features

  1. x 📱ī¸ Cross Platform support (Device, Web)
  2. x 📜ī¸ Standarization Style Code
  3. x ⌨ī¸ Cli (Terminal for help you use this library or create project)
  4. x đŸ”Ĩī¸ Api (If you developer bot / userbot you can use this library without interact cli just add library and use 🚀ī¸)
  5. 🧩ī¸ Customizable Extension (if you want add extension so you can more speed up on development)
  6. ✨ī¸ Pretty Information (user friendly for newbie)

❔ī¸ Fun Fact

This library 100% use on every my create project (App, Server, Bot, Userbot)

📈ī¸ Proggres

  • 2024-05-11

đŸ“Ĩī¸ Install Library

  1. Dart
dart pub add database_universe

🚀ī¸ Quick Start

Example Quickstart script minimal for insight you or make you use this library because very simple

// ignore_for_file: non_constant_identifier_names
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:database_universe/database_universe.dart';
import 'package:general_lib/general_lib.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;

void main(List<String> args) async {
  /// add database
  DatabaseUniverse databaseUniverse = DatabaseUniverse(
    // change extension with your own
    extension_name: "dbu",
    // if set true if open database password wrong force open but database will empty
    is_ignore_on_error: true,
  // init database
  databaseUniverse.init(crypto: Crypto(key: "od8wkk8nYbgv2na8ApaL0NMGq3rcpnF5"));
  // set database directory
  Directory directory_db = () {
    if (Dart.isWeb) {
      return Directory("");
    return Directory(path.join(Directory.current.path, "db"));
  // open disk database
  DatabaseUniverseData<JsonScheme> databaseUniverseData = databaseUniverse.disk_open(file_name: "Slebew", directory: directory_db, valueData: JsonScheme({}));
  // change value
  databaseUniverseData.value["first_name"] = "change name";
  // check if key count is not int set to int 0
  if (databaseUniverseData.value["count"] is int == false) {
    databaseUniverseData.value["count"] = 0;
  // increament
  databaseUniverseData.value["count"] += 1;
  // save to disk
  databaseUniverse.disk_save(databaseUniverseData: databaseUniverseData, isWithClose: true);