database_sql library

Support for doing something awesome.

More dartdocs go here.


A base class to handle aggregate call.
AggregatorFunction<A, R>
A class represent Aggregator Function handler.
Result is the result of a INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE query's execution.
A connection to a database.
DatabaseFunction<A, R>
Database Function metadata
Database driver, each database is required to implement this interface in order to user database interface api.
A statement use for SELECT query or query data in general
A default Object represent row database.
A class provide a method to read data from select query.
Rows is the result of a SELECT query's execution.
A class define a method to convert the dart class into SQL supported value.
Query prepare statement.
Default transaction class
A class provide a method to read value SQL Value or Column from select query.
A statement use for write query such as INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ...etc.


DatabaseTransaction on Database
Transaction block style
FutureStatement on Future<Statement>
Utility to helper to get read/write statement
SafeDatabaseQuery on Database
provide ability to ensure the result from query api will be closed even when an exception occurred.
SafeTransaction on Transaction
provide ability to ensure the result from query api will be closed even when an exception occurred.


defaultArgumentConverter(int index, ValueReader reader) → dynamic
Default argument converter, it use when there is not argument converter provided to function.
isDriverRegistered(String driverName) bool
Return true if driver has been registered otherwise false.
open(String driverName, Object dataSource) Database
Open a connection to database without pool connection management.
protect(String driverName, Object dataSource, {required Future<void> block(Database)}) Future<void>
Open a connection to the database and automatically close it when the block callback execution done.
registerDriver(String driverName, Driver driver) → void
register a new database driver.


ArgumentConverter = dynamic Function(int index, ValueReader reader)
A function to allow the callback to be able to read appropriate data type of value for dart function argument.
FunctionResultConverter<T> = dynamic Function(T)
A function to convert value return by dart function to a compatible data type.
FunctionResultHandler<A, R> = void Function(A, R?)
A function that handle write response back to database engine.
RowCreator<T> = T Function(RowReader reader)
A function which responsible to create Row database from select query.
TransactionCreator<T> = T Function(Database db)
provide custom function to create custom transaction.

Exceptions / Errors
