ListGenericExtension<T> extension



asUnmodifiableListView() UnmodifiableListView<T>

Available on List<T>, provided by the ListGenericExtension extension

Returns an unmodifiable view of this instance.
copy() List<T>

Available on List<T>, provided by the ListGenericExtension extension

Returns a copy of this List.
copyTo(int srcOffset, List<T> dst, int dstOffset, int length) → void

Available on List<T>, provided by the ListGenericExtension extension

Copy length from srcOffset of this List to dst at dstOffset.
reverseChunks(int chunkSize) List<T>

Available on List<T>, provided by the ListGenericExtension extension

Returns a copy of this List with chunks of length chunkSize in reversed order.
reversedList() List<T>

Available on List<T>, provided by the ListGenericExtension extension

Returns a copy of this instance as a reversed List of T.