Quaternion class

A quaternion number of the form w + x*i + y*j + z*k.

  • @immutable


Quaternion(num w, [num x = 0, num y = 0, num z = 0])
Constructs a quaternion from its components.
Quaternion.fromAxis(List<num> axis, num angle)
Constructs a quaternion from an axis and a rotation angle.
Quaternion.fromEuler(num phi, num theta, num psi)
Constructs a quaternion from an euler rotation.
Quaternion.fromList(List<num> vector)
Constructors a quaternion from a vector.
Quaternion.fromVectors(List<num> source, List<num> target)
Constructs a quaternion from the rotation between two vectors source and target.
Quaternion.of(num scalar, List<num> vector)
Constructors a quaternion from a scalar and a vector.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isFinite bool
Tests if this quaternion is finite.
no setter
isInfinite bool
Tests if this quaternion is infinite.
no setter
isNaN bool
Tests if this quaternion is not defined.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
w num
The 1st quaternion unit (scalar part).
x num
The 2nd quaternion unit (1st vector/imaginary part).
y num
The 3rd quaternion unit (2nd vector/imaginary part).
z num
The 4th quaternion unit (3rd vector/imaginary part).


abs() double
Returns the absolute value of the quaternion.
ceil() Quaternion
Ceils the values of this quaternion to integers.
closeTo(Quaternion other, num epsilon) bool
Tests if this object is close to another object.
conjugate() Quaternion
Returns the conjugate form of the quaternion.
exp() Quaternion
Computes the exponential function of this quaternion number.
floor() Quaternion
Floors the values of this quaternion to integers.
log() Quaternion
Computes the natural logarithm of this quaternion number.
norm() num
Returns the squared absolute value.
normalize() Quaternion
Returns the normalized form of the quaternion.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pow(Object exponent) Quaternion
Computes the power of this quaternion number raised to exponent.
reciprocal() Quaternion
Computes the multiplicative inverse of this quaternion.
round() Quaternion
Rounds the values of this quaternion to integers.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
truncate() Quaternion
Truncates the values of this quaternion to integers.


operator *(Object other) Quaternion
Returns the product of this number and another one.
operator +(Object other) Quaternion
Returns the sum of this number and another one.
operator -(Object other) Quaternion
Returns the difference of this number and another one.
operator /(Object other) Quaternion
Computes the division of this number and another one.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator unary-() Quaternion
Returns the negated form of the quaternion.

Static Methods

tryParse(String source) Quaternion?
Parses source as a Quaternion. Returns null in case of a problem.


i → const Quaternion
The quaternion i unit.
infinity → const Quaternion
The quaternion number with all parts being double.infinity.
j → const Quaternion
The quaternion j unit.
k → const Quaternion
The quaternion k unit.
nan → const Quaternion
The quaternion number with all parts being double.nan.
one → const Quaternion
The neutral multiplicative element, that is 1.
zero → const Quaternion
The neutral additive element, that is 0.