orderBook method

Future<BinanceOrderBook> orderBook({
  1. String baseUri = defaultUri,
  2. required String symbol,
  3. int limit = 100,

Will get a specific symbol's order book using /depth endpoint. If limit is provided, will modify the max number of bids/asks returned and the query weight. (defaults to 100)

API Key required : no

Valid limit values and associated query weight :

Limit Weight
5, 10, 20, 50, 100 1
500 5
1000 10
5000 50

Returns a BinanceOrderBook containing all returned data when request is a success.

Throws a BinanceApiError if an error occurs.


Future<BinanceOrderBook> orderBook({
  String baseUri = defaultUri,
  required String symbol,
  int limit = 100,
}) async =>
    BinanceOrderBook.fromJson(await sendRequest(
      queryParameters: {'symbol': symbol, 'limit': '$limit'},