aggregatedTrades method

Future<List<BinanceAggregatedTrade>> aggregatedTrades({
  1. String baseUri = defaultUri,
  2. required String symbol,
  3. int limit = 100,
  4. int? fromId,
  5. DateTime? startTime,
  6. DateTime? endtime,

Will get a specific symbol's aggregated trades using /aggTrades endpoint. If limit is provided, will modify the max number of trades returned. (defaults to 100)

API Key required : no

Query weight : 1

Returns a list of BinanceAggregatedTrade containing all returned data when request is a success.

Throws an ArgumentError if difference between start and end times is more than 1 hour. Throws a BinanceApiError if any other error occurs.


Future<List<BinanceAggregatedTrade>> aggregatedTrades({
  String baseUri = defaultUri,
  required String symbol,
  int limit = 100,
  int? fromId,
  DateTime? startTime,
  DateTime? endtime,
}) async {
  Map<String, String> params = {'symbol': symbol, 'limit': '$limit'};
  if (fromId != null) {
    params['fromId'] = '$fromId';
  if (startTime != null) {
    if (endtime != null) {
      if (endtime.difference(startTime).inHours >= 1) {
        throw ArgumentError(
            'difference between start time and end time must be less than 1h');
      params['endTime'] = '${endtime.millisecondsSinceEpoch}';
    params['startTime'] = '${startTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch}';
  final aggregatedTrades = await sendRequest(
    queryParameters: params,
  if (aggregatedTrades is List) {
    return List<BinanceAggregatedTrade>.from( => BinanceAggregatedTrade.fromJson(t)),
  } else {
    throw const BinanceApiError(-1, 'unexpected trades format');