askCommand property

String get askCommand


static String get askCommand => r"""
import 'package:dash_agent/configuration/command.dart';
import 'package:dash_agent/data/datasource.dart';
import 'package:dash_agent/steps/steps.dart';
import 'package:dash_agent/variables/dash_input.dart';
import 'package:dash_agent/variables/dash_output.dart';

/// [AskCommand] accepts a [CodeInput] from the user with their query [StringInput] and provides the with a suitable answer taking reference from your provided [docsSource].
class AskCommand extends Command {
AskCommand({required this.docsSource});

final DataSource docsSource;

/// Inputs to be provided by the user in the text field
final userQuery = StringInput('Query');
final codeAttachment = CodeInput(
  'Code Reference',
  optional: true

String get slug => '/ask';

String get intent => 'Ask me anything';

String get textFieldLayout =>
    "Hi, I'm here to help you. $userQuery $codeAttachment";

List<DashInput> get registerInputs => [userQuery, codeAttachment];

List<Step> get steps {
  // Temporary outputs generated during processing command.
  final matchingDocuments = MatchDocumentOuput();
  final promptOutput = PromptOutput();

  return [
        query: '$userQuery$codeAttachment',
        dataSources: [docsSource],
        output: matchingDocuments),
          '''You are a X agent. Here is the user query: $userQuery, here is a reference code snippet: $codeAttachment and some relevant documents for your reference: $matchingDocuments.

          Answer the user's query.''',
      promptOutput: promptOutput,
    AppendToChatStep(value: '$promptOutput')