Command class abstract

Base class for creating a command for your agent. For an agent, the command can be understood as an task (such as refactoring, code generation, code analysis, etc) the user can invoke via commanddash.

Command requires following arguments:

  • slug - Unique identifier of the command
  • intent - Brief description about the command
  • textFieldLayout - Phrase that will be shown to user when the command is invoked
  • registerInputs - DashInputs that will be used in the command in its lifecycle
  • steps - Series of operation that needs to be performed for a command finish its task. Steps can be of the following nature: Matching docs that are shared with the command, performing a query in the user project, prompt that code/ info generation, appending the info/code at the right place in the project, many more.

Sample example of Command for demonstration purpose:

class AskCommand extends Command {
  AskCommand({required this.docsSource});
  final DataSource docsSource;
  // Inputs
  final userQuery = StringInput('Your query');
  final codeAttachment = CodeInput('Code Attachment');
  // Outputs
 final matchingDocuments = MatchDocumentObject();
  final matchingCode = MultiCodeObject();
  final queryOutput = QueryOutput();
  String get slug => '/ask';
  String get intent => 'Ask me anything';
  List<DashInput> get registerInputs => [userQuery, codeAttachment];
  List<Step> get steps => [
            query: '$userQuery$codeAttachment',
            dataSources: [docsSource],
            output: matchingDocuments),
        WorkspaceQueryStep(query: '$matchingDocuments', output: matchingCode),
                '''You are an X agent. Here is the $userQuery, here is the $matchingCode and the document references: $matchingDocuments. Answer the user's query.''',
            postProcessKind: PostProcessKind.raw,
            output: queryOutput),
                'This was your query: $userQuery and here is your output: $queryOutput'),
  String get textFieldLayout =>
      "Hi, I'm here to help you. $userQuery $codeAttachment";




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
intent String
Intent is a brief description about the command which will be used for the purpose giving the end dev the idea about the capability and use case of the following command.
no setter
minCliVersion String
no setter
registerInputs List<DashInput>
List of DashInputs that will be used in the command in its lifecycle. Learn more about DashInput and available type by opening it definition.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
slug String
Unique identifier of the command. For an agent having multiple commands the slug for each command should be unique.
no setter
steps List<Step>
Series of operation that needs to be performed for a command finish its task.
no setter
textFieldLayout String
Phrase to shown when the command is invoked by the end dev. Few provide the devs a good experiece and ease in command use. You can follow few of the good practises:
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
process() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Internal method used by dash_agent to convert the shared Commmand to json formated cofiguration that is deployable.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.