repeat<T> function
- int iterations,
- T lambda(
- int index
The repeat method allows you to easily call a lambda a certain number of times.
The simplest form of a repeat method:
repeat(3, (it) => print('Hello $it!'));
This is simply equivalent to a for loop that repeats 3 times (starts at zero, increments by one).
Much simpler than dealing with iterators for most of scenarios where you don't care about start, end, increment values. If you want more flexibility, check the range function.
It also returns a list of results in case you need it:
final evens = repeat(10, (e) => 2 * e);
List<T> repeat<T>(int iterations, T Function(int index) lambda) {
if (iterations == 0) {
return [];
return range(0, until: iterations).map(lambda).toList();