collections library

Adding methods for collection control.


Grouping<T, K>
Serves as an step between grouping and folding operations.
Pair<T, V>


Associate on Iterable<T>
Chunked on Iterable<T>
FilterNotNull on Iterable<T?>
FirstOrNull on Iterable<T>
GetOrNull on Iterable<T>
GetOrPut on Map<K, V>
GroupingBy on Iterable<T>
MapIndexed on Iterable<T>
MapNotNull on Iterable<T>
RangeNum on T
SingleOrNull on Iterable<T>
ZipWithNext on List<T>


range<T extends num>(T value, {T? to, T? until, T? downTo, T? step}) → List<T>
Creates progression ranges of given type value.
repeat<T>(int iterations, T lambda(int index)) → List<T>
The repeat method allows you to easily call a lambda a certain number of times.


AggregateOperation<T, K, R> = R Function(K key, R? accumulator, T element, bool first)
A function that is invoked on each element.
ChunkedTransform<T, R> = R Function(T chunk)