runBasic function

Future<void> runBasic(
  1. Set<Task> tasks,
  2. Set<Task> defaultTasks,
  3. Options options,
  4. DartleCache cache,

Run a Dartle build with a "basic" setup.

Unlike run, this function does not handle errors, times the build or initializes the logging system.

It is only appropriate for embedding Dartle within another system.


Future<void> runBasic(Set<Task> tasks, Set<Task> defaultTasks, Options options,
    DartleCache cache) async {
  logger.fine(() => 'Dartle version: $dartleVersion\nOptions: $options');

  if (options.resetCache) {
    await cache.clean();

  var tasksInvocation = options.tasksInvocation;
  final directTasksCount = tasksInvocation
      .where((name) => !name.startsWith(taskArgumentPrefix))
  if (directTasksCount == 0 && defaultTasks.isNotEmpty) {
    tasksInvocation = =>;
  final taskMap = createTaskMap(tasks);
  final tasksAffectedByDeletion =
      await verifyTaskInputsAndOutputsConsistency(taskMap);
  await verifyTaskPhasesConsistency(taskMap);
  final executableTasks = await _getExecutableTasks(
      taskMap, tasksInvocation, options, tasksAffectedByDeletion);
  if (options.showInfoOnly) {
        '======== Showing build information only, no tasks will '
        'be executed ========\n',;
    showTasksInfo(executableTasks, taskMap, defaultTasks, options);
  } else {
    if (logger.isLoggable(log.Level.INFO)) {
      logTasksInfo(tasks, executableTasks, options.tasksInvocation,
          directTasksCount, defaultTasks);

    try {
      await _runAll(executableTasks, options);
    } finally {
      if (!options.disableCache) {
        await _cleanCache(cache,
            taskMap.keys.followedBy(const ['_compileDartleFile']).toSet());