run function

Future<void> run(
  1. List<String> args, {
  2. required Set<Task> tasks,
  3. Set<Task> defaultTasks = const {},
  4. bool doNotExit = false,

Initializes the dartle library and runs the tasks selected by the user (or in the provided args).

This method will normally not return as Dartle will exit with the appropriate code. To avoid that, set doNotExit to true.


Future<void> run(List<String> args,
    {required Set<Task> tasks,
    Set<Task> defaultTasks = const {},
    bool doNotExit = false}) async {
  await checkProjectInit(doNotExit);

  await runSafely(args, doNotExit, (stopWatch, options) async {
    if (options.showHelp) {
      return print(dartleUsage);
    if (options.showVersion) {
      return print('Dartle version $dartleVersion');

    activateLogging(options.logLevel, colorfulLog: options.colorfulLog);

    await runBasic(tasks, defaultTasks, options, DartleCache.instance);
    if (!options.showInfoOnly && options.logBuildTime) {
          '✔ Build succeeded in ${elapsedTime(stopWatch)}',;