createGeneratorOptions function

List<DartdocOption<Object?>> createGeneratorOptions(
  1. PackageMetaProvider packageMetaProvider


List<DartdocOption> createGeneratorOptions(
    PackageMetaProvider packageMetaProvider) {
  var resourceProvider = packageMetaProvider.resourceProvider;
  return [
    DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('footer', [], resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.file,
            'Paths to files with content to add to page footers, but possibly '
            'outside of dedicated footer elements for the generator (e.g. '
            'outside of <footer> for an HTML generator). To add text content '
            'to dedicated footer elements, use --footer-text instead.',
        mustExist: true,
        splitCommas: true),
    DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('footerText', [], resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.file,
        help: 'Paths to files with content to add to page footers (next to the '
            'package name and version).',
        mustExist: true,
        splitCommas: true),
    DartdocOptionArgFile<List<String>>('header', [], resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.file,
        help: 'Paths to files with content to add to page headers.',
        splitCommas: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<bool>('prettyIndexJson', false, resourceProvider,
            'Generates `index.json` with indentation and newlines. The file is '
            'larger, but it\'s also easier to diff.',
        negatable: false),
    DartdocOptionArgFile<String?>('favicon', null, resourceProvider,
        optionIs: OptionKind.file,
        help: 'A path to a favicon for the generated docs.',
        mustExist: true),
    DartdocOptionArgOnly<String?>('relCanonicalPrefix', null, resourceProvider,
            'If provided, add a rel="canonical" prefixed with provided value. '
            'Consider using if building many versions of the docs for public '
            'SEO; learn more at'),
    // TODO(kallentu): Remove --templates-dir completely.
      optionIs: OptionKind.dir,
      mustExist: true,
      hide: true,
      help: '(deprecated) Path to a directory with templates to use instead of '
          'the default ones. Directory must contain a file for each of the '
          'following: 404error, category, class, constant, constructor, '
          'enum, function, index, library, method, mixin, property, '
          'top_level_constant, top_level_property, typedef. Partial '
          'templates are supported; they must begin with an underscore, and '
          'references to them must omit the leading underscore '
          '(e.g. use {{>foo}} to reference the partial template named _foo).',