sdkType method

  1. @override
String? sdkType(
  1. String? flutterRootPath

Returns 'Dart' or 'Flutter' (preferentially, 'Flutter' when the answer is "both"), or null if this package is not part of an SDK.


String? sdkType(String? flutterRootPath) {
  if (flutterRootPath != null) {
    var flutterPackages = _pathContext.join(flutterRootPath, 'packages');
    var flutterBinCache = _pathContext.join(flutterRootPath, 'bin', 'cache');

    /// Don't include examples or other non-SDK components as being the
    /// "Flutter SDK".
    var canonicalizedDir = _pathContext
    if (_pathContext.isWithin(flutterPackages, canonicalizedDir) ||
        _pathContext.isWithin(flutterBinCache, canonicalizedDir)) {
      return 'Flutter';
  return isSdk ? 'Dart' : null;