modList static method

List<Modification> modList(
  1. List modList

TODO: This is a hack. Create a nicer way of handling this

Utility method that creates a list of modifications when given a modList of triplets consisting of modType - string value in the set [a,d,r,i] (for add, delete, replace, increment) followed by attribute,values

For example, the list

['r','sn', 'Mickey Mouse','i', 'age',null]

replaces the sn attribute with Mickey Mouse, and increments the age attribute by one.


static List<Modification> modList(List modList) {
  var list = <Modification>[];
  for (var x in modList) {
    assert(x.length == 3);
    String op = x[0];
    var attr = x[1];
    var vals = x[2];
    if (vals is! List) vals = [vals];

    switch (op) {
      case 'a':
        list.add(Modification.add(attr, vals));
      case 'd':
        list.add(Modification.delete(attr, vals));
      case 'r':
        list.add(Modification.replace(attr, vals));
      case 'i':
        list.add(Modification.increment(attr, vals));
  return list;