StitcherAsync extension



composePanoramaAsync({VecMat? images}) Future<(StitcherStatus, Mat)>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

estimateTransformAsync(VecMat images, {VecMat? masks}) Future<StitcherStatus>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getComponentAsync() Future<VecI32>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getCompositingResolAsync() Future<double>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getInterpolationFlagsAsync() Future<int>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getPanoConfidenceThreshAsync() Future<double>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getRegistrationResolAsync() Future<double>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getSeamEstimationResolAsync() Future<double>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getWaveCorrectionAsync() Future<bool>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

getWaveCorrectKindAsync() Future<int>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

setCompositingResolAsync(double value) Future<void>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

setInterpolationFlagsAsync(int value) Future<void>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

setPanoConfidenceThreshAsync(double value) Future<void>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

setRegistrationResolAsync(double value) Future<void>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

setSeamEstimationResolAsync(double value) Future<void>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

setWaveCorrectionAsync(bool value) Future<void>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

setWaveCorrectKindAsync(int value) Future<void>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

stitchAsync(VecMat images, {VecMat? masks}) Future<(StitcherStatus, Mat)>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension

Static Methods

createAsync({StitcherMode mode = StitcherMode.PANORAMA}) Future<Stitcher>

Available on Stitcher, provided by the StitcherAsync extension