PgnGame<T extends PgnNodeData> class

A Portable Game Notation (PGN) representation.

A PGN game is composed of PgnHeaders and moves represented by a PgnNode tree.


This class provide 2 parsers: parsePgn to create a single PgnGame and parseMultiGamePgn that can handle a string containing multiple games.

const pgn = '1. d4 d5 *';
final game = PgnGame.parsePgn(pgn);
Position position = PgnGame.startingPosition(game.headers);
for (final node in game.moves.mainline()) {
  final move = position.parseSan(node.san);
  if (move == null) break; // Illegal move
  position =;

Augmenting game tree

You can use PgnNode.transform to augment all nodes in the game tree with user data.

It allows you to provide context. You update the context inside the callback. Context object itself should be immutable to prevent any unwanted mutation. In the example below, the current Position pos is provided as context.

class PgnNodeWithFen extends PgnNodeData {
  final String fen;
  const PgnNodeWithFen(
      {required this.fen,
      required super.san,

   // Override == and hashCode
   // ...

final game = PgnGame.parsePgn('1. e4 e5 *');
final pos = PgnGame.startingPosition(game.headers);
final PgnNode<NodeWithFen> res = game.moves.transform<NodeWithFen, Position>(pos,
  (pos, data, _) {
    final move = pos.parseSan(data.san);
    if (move != null) {
      final newPos =;
      return (
          newPos, NodeWithFen(fen: newPos.fen, san: data.san, comments: data.comments, nags: data.nags));
    return null;


PgnGame({required PgnHeaders headers, required PgnNode<T> moves, required List<String> comments})
Constructs a new PgnGame.


comments List<String>
Initial comments of the game.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
headers PgnHeaders
Headers of the game.
moves PgnNode<T>
Parent node containing the game.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


makePgn() String
Make a PGN String from PgnGame.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

defaultHeaders() PgnHeaders
Create default headers of a PGN.
emptyHeaders() PgnHeaders
Create empty headers of a PGN.
parseMultiGamePgn(String pgn, {PgnHeaders initHeaders() = defaultHeaders}) List<PgnGame<PgnNodeData>>
Parse a multi game PGN string.
parsePgn(String pgn, {PgnHeaders initHeaders() = defaultHeaders}) PgnGame<PgnNodeData>
Parse a PGN string and return a PgnGame.
startingPosition(PgnHeaders headers, {bool? ignoreImpossibleCheck}) Position<Position>
Create a Position for a Variant from the headers.