collection library

Utilities for collection types and Iterables.


FutureMap on Map<K, Future<V>>
Provides a wait extension property on a Map with Future values.
InPlaceOperations on List<E>
Extension methods on List that do work in-place.
IterableUtils on Iterable<E>
Miscellaneous utility methods for Iterable.
SortMap on LinkedHashMap<K, V>
Provides a sort extension method on LinkedHashMap.
SortWithKeyExtension on List<E>
Provides a sortWithKey extension method on List.


flattenDeep<T>(Iterable<Object?> list) Iterable<T>
Recursively flattens all nested Iterables into a single Iterable sequence.
mergeMaps<K, V>(Iterable<Map<K, V>> maps) Map<K, List<V>>
Combines an Iterable of Maps into a single Map with Lists of the corresponding values.

Exceptions / Errors

ParallelMapWaitError<K, V>
An error thrown when FutureMap.wait fails.