IterableUtils<E> extension

Miscellaneous utility methods for Iterable.



drain() → void

Available on Iterable<E>, provided by the IterableUtils extension

Iterates over all elements, discarding the results.
padLeft(int totalLength, {required E padValue}) Iterable<E>

Available on Iterable<E>, provided by the IterableUtils extension

Pads elements to the beginning of this Iterable to make it have the specified length.
padRight(int totalLength, {required E padValue}) Iterable<E>

Available on Iterable<E>, provided by the IterableUtils extension

Pads elements to the end of this Iterable to make it have the specified length.
startsWith(Iterable<E> other) bool

Available on Iterable<E>, provided by the IterableUtils extension

Returns true if this starts with other in order.