misc library

Miscellaneous utilities.


A basic wrapper around another type.
An implementation of Future that allows synchronously retrieving the value if it has already been completed.


ChainIf on T
Provides a chainIf extension method on all objects.
DateTimeStringWithOffset on DateTime
Provides extension methods on DateTime that create date/time strings with time-zone information.
DurationUtils on Duration
Provides miscellaneous extension methods on Duration.
FutureCast on Future<T>
Provides a cast extension method on Future.
ImpliesExtension on bool
Provides an implies extension method on bool.
LooseSubstring on String
Provides a substringLoose extension method on String.
PadLeftExtension on int
Provides a padLeft extension method on int.
PartialSplit on String
Provides extension methods on String that allow partially splitting a String into tokens.
PollableFutureExtension on Future<T>
Provides a toPollable extension method on Future.
TryAsExtension on Object?
Provides a tryAs extension method on all objects.
UriUtils on Uri
Miscellaneous utility methods for Uri.


isNullable<T>() bool
Returns true if T is a nullable type.
isSubtype<Subtype, Supertype>() bool
Returns true if Subtype is a subtype of Supertype.
tryAs<T>(dynamic object) → T?
Attempts to cast object to T, returning null on failure.


IdentityType<T> = T
Identity typedef for a Type.
OutputParameter<T> = Boxed<T>
An output parameter.