Property class

Class representing a Property Affordance in a Thing Description.

Implemented types
  • @immutable


Property({required List<Form> forms, Map<String, Object>? uriVariables, Map<String, dynamic>? additionalFields, DataSchema? dataSchema, bool observable = false})
Default constructor that creates a Property from a List of forms.
Property.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, PrefixMapping prefixMapping)
Creates a new Property from a json object.


additionalFields Map<String, dynamic>
Additional fields that could not be deserialized as class members.
no setteroverride
atType List<String>?
JSON-LD keyword (@type) to label the object with semantic tags (or types).
no setteroverride
constant Object?
A constant value.
no setteroverride
contentEncoding String?
Specifies the encoding used to store the contents, as specified in RFC 2045 (Section 6.1) and RFC 4648.
no setteroverride
contentMediaType String?
Specifies the MIME type of the contents of a string value, as described in RFC 2046.
no setteroverride
dataSchema DataSchema?
The internal DataSchema this property is based on.
defaultValue Object?
A default value if no actual value is set.
no setteroverride
description String?
The default description of this InteractionAffordance.
no setteroverride
descriptions Map<String, String>?
Multi-language descriptions of this InteractionAffordance.
no setteroverride
enumeration List<Object>?
Restricted set of values provided as a List.
no setteroverride
exclusiveMaximum num?
Specifies a maximum numeric value, representing an exclusive upper limit.
no setteroverride
exclusiveMinimum num?
Specifies a minimum numeric value, representing an exclusive lower limit.
no setteroverride
format String?
Allows validation based on a format pattern.
no setteroverride
forms List<Form>
The basic forms which can be used for interacting with this resource.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
items List<DataSchema>?
Used to define the characteristics of an array.
no setteroverride
maximum num?
Specifies a maximum numeric value, representing an inclusive upper limit.
no setteroverride
maxItems int?
Defines the maximum number of items that have to be in an array.
no setteroverride
maxLength int?
Specifies the maximum length of a string.
no setteroverride
minimum num?
Specifies a minimum numeric value, representing an inclusive lower limit.
no setteroverride
minItems int?
Defines the minimum number of items that have to be in an array.
no setteroverride
minLength int?
Specifies the minimum length of a string.
no setteroverride
multipleOf num?
Specifies the multipleOf value number. The value must strictly greater than 0.
no setteroverride
observable bool
A hint that indicates whether Servients hosting the Thing and Intermediaries should provide a Protocol Binding that supports the observeproperty and unobserveproperty operations for this Property.
oneOf List<DataSchema>?
Allows the specification of multiple DataSchemas for validation.
no setteroverride
pattern String?
Provides a regular expression to express constraints of the string value.
no setteroverride
properties Map<String, DataSchema>?
Data schema nested definitions in an object.
no setteroverride
rawJson Map<String, dynamic>?
The original JSON object that was parsed when creating this DataSchema.
no setteroverride
readOnly bool
Indicates if a value is read only.
no setteroverride
required List<String>?
Defines which members of the object type are mandatory, i.e. which members are mandatory in the payload that is to be sent (e.g. input of invokeaction, writeproperty) and what members will be definitely delivered in the payload that is being received (e.g. output of invokeaction, readproperty).
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
title String?
The default title of this InteractionAffordance.
no setteroverride
titles Map<String, String>?
Multi-language titles of this InteractionAffordance.
no setteroverride
type String?
JSON-based data type compatible with JSON Schema.
no setteroverride
unit String?
The unit of the value.
no setteroverride
uriVariables Map<String, Object>?
URI template variables as defined in RFC 6570.
writeOnly bool
Indicates if a value is write only.
no setteroverride


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.