usersLookup method

Future<List<User>> usersLookup({
  1. String? screenName,
  2. String? userId,
  3. bool? includeEntities,
  4. String tweetMode = 'extended',
  5. TransformResponse<List<User>> transform = defaultUserListTransform,

Returns fully-hydrated user objects for up to 100 users per request, as specified by comma-separated values passed to the userId and/or screenName parameters.

This method is especially useful when used in conjunction with collections of user IDs returned from friendsIds and followersIds.

usersShow is used to retrieve a single user object.

There are a few things to note when using this method.

  • You must be following a protected user to be able to see their most recent status update. If you don't follow a protected user their status will be removed.
  • The order of user IDs or screen names may not match the order of users in the returned array.
  • If a requested user is unknown, suspended, or deleted, then that user will not be returned in the results list.
  • If none of your lookup criteria can be satisfied by returning a user object, a HTTP 404 will be thrown.
  • You are strongly encouraged to use a POST for larger requests.

screenName: The screen name of the user for whom to return results. Either an id or screenName is required for this method.

userId: The ID of the user for whom to return results. Either an id or screenName is required for this method.

includeEntities: The entities node will not be included in embedded Tweet objects when set to false.

tweetMode: When set to extended, uses the extended Tweets. See

transform: Can be used to parse the request. By default, the response is parsed in an isolate.



Future<List<User>> usersLookup({
  String? screenName,
  String? userId,
  bool? includeEntities,
  String tweetMode = 'extended',
  TransformResponse<List<User>> transform = defaultUserListTransform,
}) async {
  final params = <String, String>{}
    ..addParameter('screen_name', screenName)
    ..addParameter('user_id', userId)
    ..addParameter('include_entities', includeEntities)
    ..addParameter('tweet_mode', tweetMode);

  return client
      .get(Uri.https('', '1.1/users/lookup.json', params))