lookup method

Future<List<Tweet>> lookup({
  1. required List<String> id,
  2. bool? includeEntities,
  3. bool? trimUser,
  4. bool? map,
  5. @notImplemented bool? includeExtAltText,
  6. @notImplemented bool? includeCardUri,
  7. bool? includeExtEditControl,
  8. String tweetMode = 'extended',
  9. TransformResponse<List<Tweet>> transform = defaultTweetListTransform,

Returns fully-hydrated Tweet objects for up to 100 Tweets per request, as specified by comma-separated values passed to the id parameter.

id: A comma separated list of Tweet IDs, up to 100 are allowed in a single request.

includeEntities: The entities node will not be included when set to false.

trimUser: when set to true, each Tweet returned in a timeline will include a user object including only the status authors numerical ID. Omit this parameter to receive the complete user object.

map: when using the map parameter, Tweets that do not exist or cannot be viewed by the current user will still have their key represented but with an explicitly null value paired with it

includeExtEditControl: The includeExtEditControl node will not be included when set to false. See https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/v1/edit-tweets

includeExtAltText: If alt text has been added to any attached media entities, this parameter will return an ext_alt_text value in the top-level key for the media entity. If no value has been set, this will be returned as null. TODO: implement

includeCardUri: When true, the retrieved Tweet will include a card_uri attribute when there is an ads card attached to the Tweet and when that card was attached using the card_uri value. TODO: implement

transform: Can be used to parse the request. By default, the response is parsed in an isolate.

See https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/post-and-engage/api-reference/get-statuses-lookup.


Future<List<Tweet>> lookup({
  required List<String> id,
  bool? includeEntities,
  bool? trimUser,
  bool? map,
  @notImplemented bool? includeExtAltText,
  @notImplemented bool? includeCardUri,
  bool? includeExtEditControl,
  String tweetMode = 'extended',
  TransformResponse<List<Tweet>> transform = defaultTweetListTransform,
}) async {
  final params = <String, String>{}
    ..addParameter('id', id)
    ..addParameter('include_entities', includeEntities)
    ..addParameter('trim_user', trimUser)
    ..addParameter('map', map)
    ..addParameter('include_ext_alt_text', includeExtAltText)
    ..addParameter('include_card_uri', includeCardUri)
    ..addParameter('include_ext_edit_control', includeExtEditControl);

  return client
      .get(Uri.https('api.twitter.com', '1.1/statuses/lookup.json', params))