uploadStatus method

Future<UploadStatus> uploadStatus({
  1. required String mediaId,
  2. TransformResponse<UploadStatus> transform = defaultUploadStatusTransform,

The STATUS command is used to periodically poll for updates of media processing operation. After the STATUS command response returns succeeded, you can move on to the next step which is usually create Tweet with mediaId.

mediaId: The mediaId returned from the INIT command.

transform: Can be used to parse the request. By default, the response is parsed in an isolate.

See https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/media/upload-media/api-reference/get-media-upload-status.


Future<UploadStatus> uploadStatus({
  required String mediaId,
  TransformResponse<UploadStatus> transform = defaultUploadStatusTransform,
}) async {
  final params = <String, String>{}
    ..addParameter('command', 'STATUS')
    ..addParameter('media_id', mediaId);

  return client
      .get(Uri.https('upload.twitter.com', '1.1/media/upload.json', params))