storeCredential method

Future<void> storeCredential(
  1. String? w3cCred,
  2. String? plaintextCred,
  3. String? hdPath, {
  4. KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1,
  5. String? credDid,

Stores a credential permanently.

What should be stored consists of three parts

  • a signed credential w3cCred containing hashes of all attribute-values
  • a json structure plaintextCred containing hashes, salts and values per credential attribute
  • the hdPath to derive the key for the did the credential is issued for


Future<void> storeCredential(
    String? w3cCred, String? plaintextCred, String? hdPath,
    {KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1, String? credDid}) async {
  String did;
  if (credDid == null) {
    did = await getDid(hdPath!, keyType);
  } else {
    did = credDid;
  var tmp = Credential(hdPath!, w3cCred!, plaintextCred!);
  await _credentialBox!.put(did, tmp);