oobOfferCredential function
offers a credential using oob
a credential is understood as a template having the following syntax
"@context": ["context1", "context2"],
"type": ["type1", "type2"],
OutOfBandMessage oobOfferCredential({
required Map<String, dynamic> credential,
required String oobId,
required String threadId,
required List<String> replyTo,
required String issuerDid,
required String connectionDid,
String proofType = 'Ed25519Signature',
}) {
try {
credential, ['@context'], 'https://www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1');
} on JsonPathException catch (e) {
throw OobTemplateWrongValueException(
'The @context field is invalid.\n'
'Details: $e',
code: 234234543);
// have @context only having unique entries
credential['@context'] = (credential['@context'] as List).toSet().toList();
try {
forceAsList(credential, ['type']);
} on JsonPathException catch (e) {
throw OobTemplateMissingValueException(
'The credential must have a `type`'
' field set.\nDetails: $e',
code: 34583495834);
if (!credential.containsKey('id')) {
credential['id'] = 'did:key:000';
String? expirationDateStr = credential.remove('expirationDate');
DateTime? expirationDate;
if (expirationDateStr != null) {
try {
expirationDate = DateTime.parse(expirationDateStr);
} catch (e) {
throw OobTemplateWrongValueException(
"The expirationDate could not be parsed.\n"
'Details: `$e`',
code: 84758394);
String? issuanceDateStr = credential.remove('issuanceDate');
DateTime? issuanceDate;
if (issuanceDateStr != null) {
try {
issuanceDate = DateTime.parse(issuanceDateStr);
} catch (e) {
throw OobTemplateWrongValueException(
"The issuanceDate could not be parsed"
'Details: `$e`',
code: 989043853904);
if (!credential.containsKey('credentialSubject')) {
throw OobTemplateMissingValueException(
"The credential must have a `credentialSubject`"
" field set.",
code: 84309583490);
if (credential['credentialSubject'] is! Map) {
throw OobTemplateWrongValueException(
"The credentialSubject must be a mapping.",
code: 543453499);
var issuer = credential['issuer'];
if (issuer == null) {
issuer = issuerDid;
} else if (issuer is Map) {
issuer['id'] = issuerDid;
var vc = VerifiableCredential(
context: (credential.remove('@context') as List).cast<String>(),
type: ['VerifiableCredential', ...credential.remove('type')],
issuer: issuer,
expirationDate: expirationDate,
credentialSubject: credential['credentialSubject'],
issuanceDate: issuanceDate ?? DateTime.now());
var offer = OfferCredential(
id: oobId,
threadId: threadId,
detail: [
credential: vc,
options: LdProofVcDetailOptions(proofType: proofType))
replyTo: replyTo);
return OutOfBandMessage(
id: oobId,
threadId: threadId,
from: connectionDid,
replyTo: replyTo,
goalCode: 'streamlined-vc',
attachments: [Attachment(data: AttachmentData(json: offer.toJson()))]);