getDid method

Future<String> getDid(
  1. String hdPath, [
  2. KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1

Returns the DID associated with hdPath.


Future<String> getDid(String hdPath,
    [KeyType keyType = KeyType.secp256k1]) async {
  if (keyType == KeyType.secp256k1) {
    var master = BIP32.fromSeed(_keyBox!.get('seed'));
    var key = master.derivePath(hdPath);
    return _bip32KeyToDid(key);
  } else if (keyType == KeyType.ed25519) {
    var key = await ED25519_HD_KEY.derivePath(
        hdPath, _keyBox!.get('seed').toList());
    return await _edKeyToDid(key);
  } else if (keyType == KeyType.x25519) {
    var key = await ED25519_HD_KEY.derivePath(
        hdPath, _keyBox!.get('seed').toList());
    return await _edKeyToXKeyDid(key);
  } else if (keyType == KeyType.p384 ||
      keyType == KeyType.p256 ||
      keyType == KeyType.p521) {
    Curve c;
    List<int> prefix;
    if (keyType == KeyType.p521) {
      c = getP521();
      prefix = [130, 36];
    } else if (keyType == KeyType.p384) {
      c = getP384();
      prefix = [129, 36];
    } else {
      c = getP256();
      prefix = [128, 36];

    var k = PrivateKey(c, hexToInt(hdPath));
    return 'did:key:z${base58BitcoinEncode(Uint8List.fromList(prefix + hexToBytes(k.publicKey.toCompressedHex())))}';
  } else {
    throw Exception('Unknown KeyType');