handleDidcommMessage function

Future<DidcommMessage?> handleDidcommMessage(
  1. DidcommMessage plainTextMessage, {
  2. String? connectionDid,
  3. String? credentialDid,
  4. List<String>? replyTo,
  5. WalletStore? wallet,
  6. dynamic extraParams = const {},

main entry point for handling didcomm messages will not send the messages itself, but will return the message to be sent in an unencrypted format


Future<DidcommMessage?> handleDidcommMessage(
  DidcommMessage plainTextMessage, {
  String? connectionDid,
  String? credentialDid,
  List<String>? replyTo,
  WalletStore? wallet,
  extraParams = const {},
}) async {
  // For now, we only expect encrypted messages
  plainTextMessage as DidcommPlaintextMessage;
  /*if (message is! DidcommPlaintextMessage) throw DidcommServiceException(
      "The supplied message is no valid plaintext message", code: 290482390);*/

  DidcommMessage? result;
  bool foundHandler = false;
  for (var handler in ALL_HANDLERS) {
    if (handler.supportedTypes.contains(plainTextMessage.type)) {
      handler.connectionDid = connectionDid;
      handler.credentialDid = credentialDid;
      handler.replyTo = replyTo;
      handler.wallet = wallet;
      handler.extraParams = extraParams;
      result = await handler.execute(plainTextMessage);
      foundHandler = true;

  if (foundHandler == false) {
    throw DidcommServiceException(
        "No handler found for message type `${plainTextMessage.type}`. Available handlers: `${getSupportedMessageTypes().join('`, `')}",
        code: 23498234);

  if (plainTextMessage.ack != null) {
    //running.remove(plain.threadId); @TODO bring this to API
    //print('this is an ack for ${plain.ack}, thread: ${plain.threadId}');

  return foundHandler ? result : null;