dart_secure library


You can choose if you want to have a specific type of Biometric Authentication, some devices only show Strong and weak so it is highly recommended to choose Strong for better device adaption


biometricAuth({BiometricAuthType? biometricAuthType, bool biometricOnly = false, bool stickyAuth = false, bool sensitiveTransaction = false, bool userErrorDialogs = false, String message = "Authentication"}) Future<AuthenticationStatus>
Biometric User Authentication
hashEncrypt({required Object text, required Object keyIV}) → dynamic
Cant be decrypted later
inAppDecrypt({required Object cipherText, required Object key}) → dynamic
Input the encrypted text and use a key that was used for encryption.
inAppEncrypt({required Object text, required Object key}) → dynamic
Input the text you want to encrypt and use a key that will be used for encryption, the key can be anything but you need later for decryption
tempLockUser(BuildContext context, {int time = 30, required Widget afterCountNavigateTo, String lockedPageMessage = "You are temporary locked"}) Future<Widget>
You can use this for locking down the user after multiple login attempt to prevent against DOS and BruteForce
userAuthMonitor({required Widget authenticatedUserPage, required Widget unAuthenticatedUserPage, String? adminUID, Widget? adminPage, List<String>? blockUID, Widget? userBlockedPage}) → dynamic