$SecurityExtension extension
- on
{String? securityId, String? isin, String? cusip, String? sedol, String? institutionSecurityId, String? institutionId, String? proxySecurityId, String? name, String? tickerSymbol, bool? isCashEquivalent, String? type, double? closePrice, DateTime? closePriceAsOf, DateTime? updateDatetime, String? isoCurrencyCode, String? unofficialCurrencyCode}) → Security -
Available on Security, provided by the $SecurityExtension extension
{Wrapped< String> ? securityId, Wrapped<String?> ? isin, Wrapped<String?> ? cusip, Wrapped<String?> ? sedol, Wrapped<String?> ? institutionSecurityId, Wrapped<String?> ? institutionId, Wrapped<String?> ? proxySecurityId, Wrapped<String?> ? name, Wrapped<String?> ? tickerSymbol, Wrapped<bool?> ? isCashEquivalent, Wrapped<String?> ? type, Wrapped<double?> ? closePrice, Wrapped<DateTime?> ? closePriceAsOf, Wrapped<DateTime?> ? updateDatetime, Wrapped<String?> ? isoCurrencyCode, Wrapped<String?> ? unofficialCurrencyCode}) → Security -
Available on Security, provided by the $SecurityExtension extension