$ItemExtension extension
- on
{String? itemId, String? institutionId, String? webhook, PlaidError? error, List< Products> ? availableProducts, List<Products> ? billedProducts, List<Products> ? products, List<Products> ? consentedProducts, DateTime? consentExpirationTime, ItemUpdateType? updateType}) → Item -
Available on Item, provided by the $ItemExtension extension
{Wrapped< String> ? itemId, Wrapped<String?> ? institutionId, Wrapped<String?> ? webhook, Wrapped<PlaidError?> ? error, Wrapped<List< ? availableProducts, Wrapped<Products> >List< ? billedProducts, Wrapped<Products> >List< ? products, Wrapped<Products> ?>List< ? consentedProducts, Wrapped<Products> ?>DateTime?> ? consentExpirationTime, Wrapped<ItemUpdateType> ? updateType}) → Item -
Available on Item, provided by the $ItemExtension extension