AccountSubtype enum
- swaggerGeneratedUnknown → const AccountSubtype
- value_401a → const AccountSubtype
- value_401k → const AccountSubtype
- value_403b → const AccountSubtype
- value_457b → const AccountSubtype
- value_529 → const AccountSubtype
- brokerage → const AccountSubtype
- cashIsa → const AccountSubtype
- cryptoExchange → const AccountSubtype
- educationSavingsAccount → const AccountSubtype
- ebt → const AccountSubtype
- fixedAnnuity → const AccountSubtype
- gic → const AccountSubtype
- healthReimbursementArrangement → const AccountSubtype
- hsa → const AccountSubtype
- isa → const AccountSubtype
- ira → const AccountSubtype
- lif → const AccountSubtype
- lifeInsurance → const AccountSubtype
- lira → const AccountSubtype
- lrif → const AccountSubtype
- lrsp → const AccountSubtype
- nonCustodialWallet → const AccountSubtype
- nonTaxableBrokerageAccount → const AccountSubtype
- other → const AccountSubtype
- otherInsurance → const AccountSubtype
- otherAnnuity → const AccountSubtype
- prif → const AccountSubtype
- rdsp → const AccountSubtype
- resp → const AccountSubtype
- rlif → const AccountSubtype
- rrif → const AccountSubtype
- pension → const AccountSubtype
- profitSharingPlan → const AccountSubtype
- retirement → const AccountSubtype
- roth → const AccountSubtype
- roth401k → const AccountSubtype
- rrsp → const AccountSubtype
- sepIra → const AccountSubtype
- simpleIra → const AccountSubtype
- sipp → const AccountSubtype
- stockPlan → const AccountSubtype
- thriftSavingsPlan → const AccountSubtype
- tfsa → const AccountSubtype
- trust → const AccountSubtype
- ugma → const AccountSubtype
- utma → const AccountSubtype
- variableAnnuity → const AccountSubtype
- creditCard → const AccountSubtype
- paypal → const AccountSubtype
- cd → const AccountSubtype
- checking → const AccountSubtype
- savings → const AccountSubtype
- moneyMarket → const AccountSubtype
- prepaid → const AccountSubtype
- auto → const AccountSubtype
- business → const AccountSubtype
- commercial → const AccountSubtype
- construction → const AccountSubtype
- consumer → const AccountSubtype
- homeEquity → const AccountSubtype
- loan → const AccountSubtype
- mortgage → const AccountSubtype
- overdraft → const AccountSubtype
- lineOfCredit → const AccountSubtype
- student → const AccountSubtype
- cashManagement → const AccountSubtype
- keogh → const AccountSubtype
- mutualFund → const AccountSubtype
- recurring → const AccountSubtype
- rewards → const AccountSubtype
- safeDeposit → const AccountSubtype
- sarsep → const AccountSubtype
- payroll → const AccountSubtype
- $null → const AccountSubtype
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- index → int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
- name → String
Available on Enum, provided by the EnumName extension
The name of the enum setter - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
→ const List<
AccountSubtype> - A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.