startEventsSubscription method

  1. @override
NostrEventsStream startEventsSubscription({
  1. required NostrRequest request,
  2. void onEose(
    1. String relay,
    2. NostrRequestEoseCommand ease
  3. bool useConsistentSubscriptionIdBasedOnRequestData = false,
  4. List<String>? relays,

This method will send a request to all relays that you did registered with the init method, and gets your a Stream of NostrEvents that will be filtered by the request's subscriptionId automatically.

if the you do not specify a subscriptionId in the request, it will be generated automatically from the library. (This is recommended only of you're not planning to use the closeEventsSubscription method.




NostrEventsStream startEventsSubscription({
  required NostrRequest request,
  void Function(String relay, NostrRequestEoseCommand ease)? onEose,
  bool useConsistentSubscriptionIdBasedOnRequestData = false,
  List<String>? relays,
}) {
  final serialized = request.serialized(
    subscriptionId: useConsistentSubscriptionIdBasedOnRequestData
        ? null
        : Nostr.instance.utilsService.random64HexChars(),

  _registerNewRelays(relays ?? relaysList!).then((_) {
    _runFunctionOverRelationIteration((relay) {
      final relayUrl = relay.url;

      if (relays?.containsRelay(relayUrl) ?? true) {
          subscriptionId: request.subscriptionId!,
          onEose: onEose ?? (relay, eose) {},
          relay: relayUrl,

          'request with subscription id: ${request.subscriptionId} is sent to relay with url: $relayUrl',

  final requestSubId = request.subscriptionId;
  final subStream =
    (event) => _filterNostrEventsWithId(event, requestSubId),

  return NostrEventsStream(
    request: request,
    stream: subStream,
    subscriptionId: request.subscriptionId!,