Synthesizer.load constructor
- SoundFont soundFont,
- SynthesizerSettings settings
factory Synthesizer.load(SoundFont soundFont, SynthesizerSettings settings) {
Map<int, Preset> presetLookup = {};
Preset? defaultPreset;
int? minPresetId;
for (Preset preset in soundFont.presets) {
// The preset ID is Int32, where the upper 16 bits represent the bank number
// and the lower 16 bits represent the patch number.
// This ID is used to search for presets by the combination of bank number
// and patch number.
int presetId = (preset.bankNumber << 16) | preset.patchNumber;
presetLookup[presetId] = preset;
// The preset with the minimum ID number will be default.
// If the SoundFont is GM compatible, the piano will be chosen.
if (minPresetId == null || presetId < minPresetId) {
defaultPreset = preset;
minPresetId = presetId;
bool rc = settings.enableReverbAndChorus;
Chorus? chorus = rc == false
? null
: Chorus.create(sampleRate: settings.sampleRate, delay: 0.002, depth: 0.0019, frequency: 0.4);
Synthesizer synth = Synthesizer(
soundFont: soundFont,
sampleRate: settings.sampleRate,
blockSize: settings.blockSize,
maximumPolyphony: settings.maximumPolyphony,
enableReverbAndChorus: settings.enableReverbAndChorus,
minimumVoiceDuration: settings.sampleRate ~/ 500,
presetLookup: presetLookup,
defaultPreset: defaultPreset!,
blockLeft: List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
blockRight: List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
inverseBlockSize: 1.0 / settings.blockSize,
blockRead: settings.blockSize,
reverb: !rc ? null : Reverb.withSampleRate(settings.sampleRate),
reverbInput: !rc ? null : List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
reverbOutputLeft: !rc ? null : List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
reverbOutputRight: !rc ? null : List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
chorus: chorus,
chorusInputLeft: !rc ? null : List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
chorusInputRight: !rc ? null : List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
chorusOutputLeft: !rc ? null : List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
chorusOutputRight: !rc ? null : List<double>.filled(settings.blockSize, 0),
masterVolume: 0.5,
// Channels & Voices must be set *after* the synth is constructed,
// since they take the synthesizer ref in their constructor
List<Channel> channels = [];
for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) {
channels.add(Channel.create(synth, i == percussionChannel));
synth.channels = channels;
synth._voices = VoiceCollection.create(synth, settings.maximumPolyphony);
return synth;