renderInterleavedInt16 method
- ArrayInt16 destination, {
- int offset = 0,
- int? length,
Renders the waveform as a stereo interleaved signal with 16-bit quantization.
The audio renderer.
The destination buffer.
void renderInterleavedInt16(ArrayInt16 destination, {int offset = 0, int? length})
if (destination.bytes.lengthInBytes % 4 != 0)
throw "Invalid destination length";
int sampleCount = 0;
if (length != null) {
sampleCount = length;
} else {
sampleCount = destination.bytes.lengthInBytes ~/ 4;
sampleCount -= offset;
List<double> left = List<double>.filled(sampleCount, 0);
List<double> right = List<double>.filled(sampleCount, 0);
render(left, right);
for (var t = 0; t < sampleCount; t++)
int sampleLeft = (32768 * left[t]).toInt();
var sampleRight = (32768 * right[t]).toInt();
// these get automaticall casted to shorts in ArrayInt16[]
destination[offset + t * 2 + 0] = sampleLeft;
destination[offset + t * 2 + 1] = sampleRight;