Models topic

Here is an example for a typical model class using dart_mappable:

// This file is "model.dart"
import 'package:dart_mappable/dart_mappable.dart';

// required: associates our `models.dart` with the code generated by dart_mappable
part 'model.mapper.dart';

class Person with PersonMappable {
  const Person({
    required this.firstName, 
    required this.lastName, 
    required this.age,

  final String firstName;
  final String lastName;
  final int age;

  // optional: links deserialization factories from the generated [PersonMapper] class
  static final fromMap = PersonMapper.fromMap;
  static final fromJson = PersonMapper.fromJson;

From this example we can notice a few things:

  • We can define the fields and constructor of our class as usual. dart_mappable does not require any special syntax for defining our models, which makes it easier to plug into an existing class.

  • It is required that we annotate our model with @MappableClass. This is what tells dart_mappable to generate code for this class.

  • We must apply a mixin with in the form <ClassName>Mappable. This mixin is what defines the various properties/methods of our model.

  • We can add some optional fromMap and fromJson methods. This is just a style choice you can make, which enables you to call Person.fromMap (or fromJson) instead of the default PersonMapper.fromMap when deserializing your model (more about that later).

Generated Code

When running code-generation, the following two objects will be generated for each annotated class:

  1. A <ClassName>Mapper class (e.g. PersonMapper).
  2. A <ClassName>Mappable mixin (e.g. PersonMappable).

The Mapper class is what contains all the implementation logic. Having the implementation separate from the model class itself is what makes dart_mappable so modular and customizable later on. However in most cases, we don't need to worry about this class at all, since it is abstracted by the generated mixin.

The generated Mappable mixin will have the following methods:

  • toMap() and toJson() to serialize your model,
  • copyWith() to create copies of your model with different properties (see Copy With),
  • toString() override to print all properties of your model,
  • operator == and hashCode overrides.

Annotation Properties

The following configuration options exist for the @MappableClass() annotation:

Changing Constructors

For deserialization, dart_mappable will use the first available constructor of a class, but you can use a specific constructor using the @MappableConstructor() annotation.

class MyClass with MyClassMappable {
  MyClass(); // Don't use this
  MyClass.special(); // Use this

Annotating Fields

You can also annotate a single field or constructor parameter of a class using @MappableField() to set a specific json key or add custom Mapping Hooks.

class MyClass with MyClassMappable {

  @MappableField(key: 'my_key')
  String value;

Note: This can only be used on a field if it is directly assigned as a constructor parameter (MyClass(this.myField)). Setting this annotation on any other field will have no effect. (Read Utilizing Constructors for an explanation why this is.)

Utilizing Constructors

There exist a lot of custom use cases when it comes to mapping json to an object. Common ones include:

  • providing default values to optional fields,
  • ignoring fields,
  • renaming fields,
  • custom formats for dates or numbers,
  • computing values,
  • ... and lots more.

Instead of providing custom tailored serialization options for some selected use-cases, this package utilizes the power of constructor arguments to cover all of them. Thereby, you keep full control over your models, while writing pure and easy dart code.

How does that work exactly? When analysing your code, dart_mappable never looks at the fields of your model, but rather only at the constructor arguments. What you do with them - writing to fields, renaming, etc. - is up to your model's implementation.

To illustrate this, here are some examples for the above mentioned use cases:

class Person with PersonMappable {
  String name;
  int age;
  // basic example, nothing special going on
  Person.base(, this.age);
  // setting default values for some parameters
  Person.opt(, [this.age = 18]);

  // renamed argument, will be {"years": ...} in json
  Person.renamed(, int years) : age = years;
  // ignores the age field completely
  // computed name value
  Person.computed(String firstName, String lastName, this.age) : name = '$firstName $lastName';
  // IMPORTANT: have matching getters for all unassigned arguments, reversing the computed value (*)
  String get firstName => name.split(' ')[0];
  String get lastName => name.split(' ')[1];

(*) Regarding the matching getters: Not-having them won't break your code. However this will lead to desynched serialization (keys missing in your json) and eventually to errors when trying to deserialize back. You will also get a warning in the builder output to know when this happens.

Remember: dart_mappable will always use the first constructor it sees, but you can use a specific constructor using the @MappableConstructor() annotation.


dart_mappable comes with a default mapper to serialize DateTime values. This works out of the box, but you can customize how DateTime values are encoded. You can choose between:

  • Formatted ISO String
  • Formatted ISO String in UTC Timezone (default)
  • Unix milliseconds-since-epoc integer

To change the mode, set DateTimeMapper.encodingMode to any value of the DateTimeEncoding enum.

List Equality

dart_mappable automatically handles equality for Lists (or any Iterable). You can change between an ordered and unordered list equality by setting IterableMapper.equalityMode to either IterableEqualityMode.ordered (default) or IterableEqualityMode.unordered.

Next: Enums


DateTimeMapper Models
A mapper that encodes a DateTime object into a serializable date format and vice versa.
DateTimeMapper Models
A mapper that encodes a DateTime object into a serializable date format and vice versa.
MappableClass Introduction Models Configuration Polymorphism Mapping Hooks Custom Mappers
Used to annotate a class in order to generate mapping code.
MappableClass Introduction Models Configuration Polymorphism Mapping Hooks Custom Mappers
Used to annotate a class in order to generate mapping code.
MappableConstructor Models Configuration
Used to annotate a constructor to be chosen as the serialization function.
MappableConstructor Models Configuration
Used to annotate a constructor to be chosen as the serialization function.
MappableField Models Records Configuration Mapping Hooks
Used to annotate a parameter or field to overwrite the mapped key.
MappableField Models Records Configuration Mapping Hooks
Used to annotate a parameter or field to overwrite the mapped key.
MappableInterface Models
Used to annotate an interface in order to generate mapping code.
MappableInterface Models
Used to annotate an interface in order to generate mapping code.


DateTimeEncoding Models
Options for encoding a DateTime.
DateTimeEncoding Models
Options for encoding a DateTime.