StringExtensions extension



asBool bool
Convert this string into boolean.
no setter
getTextSize Size
no setter
isEmptyOrNull bool
Return a bool if the string is null or empty
no setter
isNotBlank bool
Returns true if s is neither null, empty nor is solely made of whitespace characters.
no setter
isNullOrWhiteSpace bool
Indicates whether a specified string is null, empty, or consists only of white-space characters.
no setter
lastIndex String
no setter
orEmpty String
Returns the string if it is not null, or the empty string otherwise
no setter


anyChar(bool predicate(String element)) bool
Returns true if at least one element matches the given predicate. the predicate should have only one character
equalsIgnoreCase(String? other) bool
generateMessageByGender({Gender? gender, Message? message}) String
hasCapitalletter(String s) bool
Checks if string contains at least one Capital Letter
hasMatch(String? value, String pattern) bool
ifEmpty(Function action) String?
insert(int index, String str) String
Returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in this instance.
isAlphabetOnly(String s) bool
Checks if string consist only Alphabet. (No Whitespace)
isAudio(String filePath) bool
Checks if string is an audio file.
isBlank(dynamic value) bool?
Checks if data is null or blank (empty or only contains whitespace).
isBool(String value) bool
Checks if string is boolean.
isCurrency(String s) bool
Checks if string is Currency.
isEmail(String s) bool
Checks if string is email.
isHTML(String filePath) bool
Checks if string is an html file.
isImage(String filePath) bool
Checks if string is an image file.
isNull(dynamic value) bool
isNumericOnly(String s) → dynamic
isPalindrom(String string) bool
Checks if string is Palindrom.
isPhoneNumber(String s) bool
Checks if string is phone number.
isUsername(String s) bool
Checks if string is a valid username.
isVideo(String filePath) bool
Checks if string is an video file.
limitFromEnd(int maxSize) String?
Shrink a string to be no more than maxSize in length, extending from the end. For example, in a string with 10 charachters, a maxSize of 3 would return the last 3 charachters.
limitFromStart(int maxSize) String?
Shrink a string to be no more than maxSize in length, extending from the start. For example, in a string with 10 charachters, a maxSize of 3 would return the first 3 charachters.
printThis() → void
prints to console this text if it's not empty or null
removeAllWhiteSpace() String?
Returns a String without white space at all "hello world" // helloworld
removeSurrounding(String delimiter) String?
Return the string only if the delimiter exists in both ends, otherwise it will return the current string
replaceAfter(String delimiter, String replacement, [String? defaultValue]) String?
Replace part of string after the first occurrence of given delimiter with the replacement string. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns defaultValue which defaults to the original string.
replaceBefore(String delimiter, String replacement, [String? defaultValue]) String?
Replace part of string before the first occurrence of given delimiter with the replacement string. If the string does not contain the delimiter, returns missingDelimiterValue? which defaults to the original string.
toCharArray() List<String>
Returns a list of chars from a String
toDoubleOrNull() double?
Parses the string as an double or returns null if it is not a number.
toIntOrNull() int?
Parses the string as an int or returns null if it is not a number.
validateEmail() bool
wrapString(int afterWords) String
afterWords will add new line after the selected word Example 'Hi, my name is'.wrapString(2)