group method
The string matched by the given group.
If group is 0, returns the entire match of the pattern.
The result may be null
if the pattern didn't assign a value to it
as part of this match.
final string = '[00:13.37] This is a chat message.';
final regExp = RegExp(r'^\[\s*(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)\]\s*(.*)$');
final match = regExp.firstMatch(string)!;
final message = jsonEncode(match[0]!); // '[00:13.37] This is a chat message.'
final hours = jsonEncode(match[1]!); // '00'
final minutes = jsonEncode(match[2]!); // '13'
final seconds = jsonEncode(match[3]!); // '37'
final text = jsonEncode(match[4]!); // 'This is a chat message.'
String? group(int group) => $;