DartBoardCore class abstract

Dart Board Core Interfaces

These are the main interface/objects used in DartBoard

API Changes

  • New named parameters OK
  • New functions OK
  • Change interface NO

Backwards compatibility is #1

When working with DartBoard, use these interfaces to access it.




activeImplementations Map<String, String>
These are the currently active implementations for each feature
no setter
allFeatures List<DartBoardFeature>
All Features registered
no setter
appDecorations List<DartBoardDecoration>
Loaded App Decortations
no setter
detectedImplementations Map<String, List<String>>
This is all detected implementations for each feature namespace
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initialFeatures List<DartBoardFeature>
All features specified in the Widget (no dependencies)
no setter
loadedFeatures Set<DartBoardFeature>
All features loaded (active)
no setter
methodHandlers Map<String, MethodCallHandler>
Loaded Method Handlers
no setter
pageDecorationAllowList List<String>
no setter
pageDecorationDenyList List<String>
no setter
pageDecorations List<DartBoardDecoration>
Page Decorations and allow/deny list
no setter
routerDelegate RouterDelegate
The Router Delegate (I may let you swap this for custom nav 2.0 implementations)
no setter
routes List<RouteDefinition>
All Available Route Definitions
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
whitelistedPageDecorations Set<String>
We track specifically "white listed" page decorations Since they prefer whitelist to deny list.
no setter


buildPageRoute(BuildContext context, RouteSettings settings, RouteDefinition definition, {bool decorate = true}) Widget
Builds a Page based on settings/definition/context Optionally decorates that page.
confirmRouteExists(String route) bool
Check if this route can be resolved
dispatchMethodCall({required BuildContext context, required MethodCall call}) Future
Send a method call to be picked up by a feature
findByName(String name) DartBoardFeature
Finds a Feature by it's name
initCore() → void
Call this in your constructor to set the instance.
isFeatureActive(String namespace) bool
Check if a feature is loaded/active (i.e running right now)
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setFeatureImplementation(String namespace, String? value) → void
When multiple implementations for a feature are registered You can change at runtime with this
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

instance DartBoardCore
Quick and dirty getters
no setter
no setter