dart_azure_cosmosdb library


A collection is a container of JSON documents and associated JavaScript application logic, i.e. stored procedures, triggers and user-defined functions. This topic outlines the REST operations used to manage document collections.
A list of CosmosDB collections.
For Azure Cosmos DB accounts configured with multiple write regions, update conflicts can occur when writers concurrently update the same item in multiple regions.
A database is a logical namespace for collections, users, and permissions.
A list of CosmosDB databases.
The document resource is represented by docs in the Azure Cosmos DB resource model. A document consists of user-defined content in JSON format. Aside from the required ID property, users can define any arbitrary elements, structures, and hierarchies for the content. The ID element is a unique string that is user-settable and must not exceed 255 characters. You can insert, replace, delete, read, enumerate, and query arbitrary JSON documents in a collection.
A list of CosmosDB documents.
In your container, the Geospatial Configuration specifies how the spatial data will be indexed.
As documents are added to a collection, Cosmos DB by default automatically indexes the documents, thus allowing documents to be queried. It is at the collection level that you configure the indexing policy. Since indexing policy is set at the collection level, each collection within a database can have different indexing policies.
This value is used to configure the partition key to be used for partitioning data into multiple partitions.
Model for included and excluded paths.
Part of the indexing policy/included and excluded paths
A permission is an authorization token associated with a user for authorized access to a specific resource. It is used to manage access to collections, documents, attachments, stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions for a particular user.
A list of CosmosDB permissions.
A stored procedure is a piece of application logic written in JavaScript that is registered and executed against a collection as a single transaction. In Azure Cosmos DB, JavaScript is hosted in the same memory space as the database. Hence, requests made within stored procedures execute in the same scope of a database session. This process enables Azure Cosmos DB to guarantee ACID for all operations that are part of a single stored procedure.
A list of CosmosDB stored procedures.
Triggers are pieces of application logic that can be executed before (pre-triggers) and after (post-triggers) creation, deletion, and replacement of a document. Triggers are written in JavaScript. Both pre and post triggers do no take parameters. Like stored procedures, triggers live within the confines of a collection, thus confining the application logic to the collection.
A list of CosmosDB triggers.
With unique keys, you make sure that one or more values within a logical partition is unique. You also can guarantee uniqueness per partition key.
A user is a logical namespace for scoping permissions on collections, documents, attachment, stored procedures, triggers, and user-defined functions. The user construct lives under a database resource and thus cannot cross the database boundary it is under. The user resource is represented by users in the Azure Cosmos DB REST resource model. It is a system resource, and thus contains a fixed schema.
A user-defined function (UDF) is a side effect free piece of application logic written in JavaScript. It allows developers to construct a query operator, thus extending the core of the Cosmos DB query language. Like stored procedures, UDFs live in the confines of a collection, thus confining the application logic to the collection.
A list of CosmosDB user defined functions.
A list of CosmosDB users.