StringUtils extension

An extention on String with various useful functionality

Convertors such as toCamelCase (camelCase), toPascalCase (PascalCase) and toSnakeCase (snake_case). Trimmers such as rtrim & ltrim for right and left trim, respectively.
removeExtraSpace to remove any extra white spaces (>1) such as:

"  a    b   c   d   " => " a b c d "


isCamelCase bool

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

returns true if this is of camelCase pattern
no setter
isPascalCase bool

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

returns true if this is of PascalCasepattern
no setter
isSnakeCase bool

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

returns true if this is of snake_case pattern
no setter


ltrim() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

trims leading whitespace
removeExtraSpace() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

this will remove extra spaces (i.e., > 1 space in sequence);
rtrim() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

trims trailing whitespace
toCamelCase() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

toLowerFirst() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

toPascalCase() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

toSnakeCase() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension

toUpperFirst() String

Available on String, provided by the StringUtils extension