thenBy<TKey> method

Iterable<T> thenBy<TKey>(
  1. TKey keySelector(
    1. T element
    ), {
  2. EqualityComparer<TKey>? keyComparer,

Adds a secondary sorting pass to iteration in ascending (least-to-greatest) order.

thenBy applies to an iterable that has been sorted by orderBy or orderByDescending (or another thenBy or thenByDescending). Once the previous sorting mechanism is processed, the keys are then sorted again using the EqualityComparer given to this method. (The process of sorting is identical to groupBy.)

When the type of the iterable is one of the below types, the EqualityComparer can be omitted. In this case, the function defaults to predefined minimum functions depending on the type:

  • Numeric types (num, int, double) will be sorted by their values in ascending order.
  • String types will be sorted in alphabetic order.

If the iterable type is not one of these types and the EqualityComparer is not provided, the order of the resulting iterable is unpredictable.

If the iterable is already sorted in ascending order, the resulting iterable will be unchanged.


void main() {
  var list = ['ab', 'a', 'c', 'aa', ''];
  // Sort by string length followed by alphabetical order
  var result = list.orderBy((c) => c.length)
                   .thenBy((c) => c);

  // Result: ['', 'a', 'c', 'aa', 'ab']


Iterable<T> thenBy<TKey>(
  TKey Function(T element) keySelector, {
  EqualityComparer<TKey>? keyComparer,
}) {
  if (this is! InternalOrderedIterable) {
    throw UnsupportedError(
        'thenBy must be called immediately following a call to orderBy, orderByDescending, thenBy, or thenByDescending.');
  keyComparer ??= EqualityComparer.forType<TKey>();
  return (this as OrderedIterable<T>)
      .createOrderedIterable<TKey>(keySelector, keyComparer, false);