
License: MIT

A wrapper plugin over the dargon2 plugin to handle the platform-specific dart:ffi integrations for iOS and Android Uses the reference C implementation of Argon2, winner of the Password Hash Competition

Pure Objective-C iOS

If you're using Objective-C for the iOS portion of your application (created with Objective-C and no Swift code), there's a few extra steps:

  • Open the Xcode workspace (type in open iOS/Runner.xcworkspace in the terminal in the project's root directory)
  • Right click the Runner directory (Folder, not project/workspace)
  • Click New File
  • Select Swift File in the prompt
  • (This is the Important Step) Select Create Bridging Header when the prompt comes up
  • You don't have to add anything to that swift file or the bridging header, but it needs to be there along with the bridging header in order for the plugin to compile correctly for iOS


High-level hashing and verification (for direct hashing & verification of byte arrays, check the example on dargon2)

void _hash() async {
   var password = 'password';
   //use Salt(List<int> bytes) for a salt from an Integer list
   var s = Salt.newSalt();
   //Hash with pre-set params (iterations: 32, memory: 256, parallelism: 2, 
   //length: 32, type: Argon2Type.i, version: Argon2Version.V13)
   var result = await argon2.hashPasswordString(password, salt: s);
   //Raw hash values available as int list, base 64 string, and hex string
   var bytesRaw = result.rawBytes;
   var base64Hash = result.base64String;
   var hexHash = result.hexString;
   //Encoded hash values available as int list and encoded string
   var bytesEncoded = result.encodedBytes;
   var stringEncoded = result.encodedString;
   //Verify password (returns true/false), uses default type (Argon2Type.i)
   var verified = await argon2.verifyHashString(password, stringEncoded);

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.



All of the actual hashing and dart:ffi code is located in the dargon2 plugin. To view the api reference for the actual hashing methods, take a look at dargon2's API Reference